Our Partners

Heart of Bucks logo

Heart of Bucks is delighted to be leading on this participatory grant-making partnership, aiming to provide more resources to local young people, and the services that support them. As a Community Foundation, we know that young people need as much support as possible, now more than ever. We also believe in the power of communities to make decisions about how funding is distributed. So we have formed this unique partnership, working closely with organisations and individuals who care deeply about improving outcomes for our young people, right here in Buckinghamshire.

Rothschild Foundation logo

Alongside its care and management of Waddesdon Manor, near Aylesbury Buckinghamshire, the Rothschild Foundation also operates a grants programme. Our funding aims to respond to the needs of the local community, especially under-represented groups experiencing disadvantage and inequality. Our ambition is to be a good neighbour to communities across Buckinghamshire, and so working collaboratively with charities, funders and like-minded stakeholders is essential. We are proud to partner with Heart of Bucks and others involved in the Young Futures Fund who wish to empower young people to invest and make decisions impacting their own community. This is an inspiring opportunity to hear directly from our younger generation and to resource them to turn ideas into action.

SWEF logo

At SWEF, we believe that business is a force for good in the world, not only for the individuals who create businesses, but also for their wider families and the local communities in which they live. For an individual, the creation of a successful business leads to greater self-determination as well as to a more stable and higher income.  The aim of SWEF is to change things for young people who are perfectly capable of taking their business to the next stage but don’t have access to the finance to do so.  We are delighted to work in partnership to make this happen.

Watch this short video to find out more about SWEF.

Youth Voice Bucks logo

Youth Voice Bucks empowers Buckinghamshire’s young people to share their voice by delivering and supporting high-quality youth participation projects. Youth Voice Bucks will work in partnership with the Young Futures Fund to ensure the heart of this project is a group of diverse young people whose contributions are enjoyable and meaningful.

The Savoy Educational Trust is dedicated to advancing education, training, and qualifications for the UK hospitality industry. Passionate about fostering growth and excellence, we equip individuals with the skills needed to thrive in this dynamic sector. By funding the Young Futures Fund (YFF), we will provide bursaries up to £1,000 for training and development, prioritizing those without financial means. This initiative enhances skills, promotes inclusion, supports career growth, and retains local talent, aligning with our trustees’ commitment to investing in the sector’s present and future skill needs.